Science Gateway, the most recent of CERN’s iconic buildings, is the latest in a long line of innovative architectural concepts aiming to bring different communities together around scientific research
The provisional CERN Council, during its first session in May 1952, founded the Theory Study Group as one of four study groups tasked with planning a unique laboratory
It was just a few short weeks in mid-2012, but they were so intense that it felt like years. As 4 July drew near, the ATLAS and CMS experiments could sense that they were homing in on something big.
As the various breakthroughs of the 1970s gradually consolidated the Standard Model, the Brout–Englert–Higgs field and its boson emerged as the most promising theoretical model to explain the origin of mass
The Higgs boson holds the record (48 years) among elementary particles for the time between prediction and discovery, going from an esoteric technicality to commanding the global spotlight at the world’s most powerful collider
On 3 March 2022, CERN Director-General Fabiola Gianotti and Brazilian Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation Marcos Pontes signed an agreement admitting Brazil as an Associate Member State of CERN