Visit Art Basel to discover a CERN-inspired art installation
HALO, a large-scale art installation conceived at CERN and inspired by ATLAS data will be exhibited at Art Basel during 13-17 June
Prévessin: Chemin du Moulin des Ponts open to vehicles
The SMB department has decided to allow vehicle access to the Prévessin site via the Chemin du Moulin des Ponts entrance from 4 June to 13 July 2018
EASISchool: school on applied superconductivity - Apply now!
EASITrain organizes a school on applied superconductivity from 3 to 14 September 2018 in Vienna, Austria
CERN Locks and Keys service: new extended hours
From 1 June 2018, CERN’s Locks and Keys service will be open all day Monday to Friday from 7.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
Access your personal documents on the HRT application
The Personnel Accounting service would like to remind you that your personal documents can be accessed via your personal access to the HRT application
Presentation of the latest results from the AMS experiment
On 24 May at 16:30, Prof. Samuel Ting will present the latest results from the AMS experiment on the International Space Station
5 June: Don't miss the Gender Equality in Education workshop
Participants will be introduced to the global landscape of gender equality in education and learn more about the CERN Gender Inclusive Teaching module
Find out how to use a defibrillator and save lives
Did you know that, as a bystander, you could play a vital role in the survival of cardiac arrest victims?