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Choice of a B Permit or a Swiss Carte de Légitimation

Family members who are nationals of the EU or EFTA and live in Switzerland: Choice of a B permit or a Swiss carte de légitimation

The Swiss Permanent Mission in Geneva has informed CERN that henceforth, pursuant to the Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons (AFMP), family members who are nationals of a Member State of the European Union (EU) or the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) may apply for a B permit instead of a carte de légitimation, either:

  1. on arrival in Switzerland, or 
  2. as an exchange if they already have a carte de légitimation.

(cf. https://www.eda.admin.ch/missions/mission-onu-geneve/en/home/manual-regime-privileges-and-immunities/introduction/legitimation-card.html - "Guidelines of 15 January 2016").

Those interested are invited to carry out the exchange formalities with the Office cantonal de la population et des migrations(for residents of the canton of Geneva: https://www.ge.ch/organisation/office-cantonal-population-migrations-ocpm) or their commune’s Bureau des étrangers(for residents of the canton of Vaud). They will also need to make sure that they apply for exemption from the obligatory membership of a Swiss health insurance scheme, at the latest within the three months following receipt of their B permit (cf. http://cds.cern.ch/record/2668435/files/ Note%20-%20Information%20on%20the%20 écompulsory%20health%20insurance %20scheme%20in%20Switzerland.pdf). 

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