CERN Courier Nov/Dec 2022
Welcome to the digital edition of the November/December 2022 issue of CERN Courier.
As LHC Run 3 gets into its stride and the first results at a new energy frontier roll in (p5), all eyes are on what’s next: the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), scheduled to start operations in 2029. Civil engineering for the major upgrade is complete (p7) and new crystal collimators for HL-LHC operations are to be put to the test during the current run (p35). Looking beyond the LHC, how best to deal with the millions of cubic metres of excavation materials from a future circular collider? (p9), and a new project to explore the use of high-temperature superconductors for FCC-ee (p8). The HL-LHC and proposed future colliders also feature large in the recent US Snowmass community planning exercise (p23).
Diving into a different experimental arena, the vast neutrino telescope KM3NeT is taking shape beneath the Mediterranean Sea, reports our cover feature (p30). In the US, newly founded firm TAU Systems aims to be the first to commercialise plasma-wakefield accelerators (p51). In the theory world, a new international society unites researchers in the quest for quantum gravity (p45). And in Switzerland, a new study confirms the impact of physics on society (p9). Plus: news digest (p13), energy frontiers (p15), field notes (p19), reviews (p49) and more