7 Apr/25
14:30 (Europe/Zurich)
Ends: 11 Apr/25 13:00

Positivity, Amplitudes, and Phenomenology


4/3-006 at CERN

This CERN TH Institute, jointly hosted by the COMETA COST action, aims to connect the formal, phenomenological and experimental communities to discuss recent developments in the realm of first-principle theoretical constraints on scattering amplitudes relevant for the effective field theory (EFT) interpretation of collider data.

An overarching goal of the meeting will be to investigate concrete ways in which positivity and related constraints can connect collider and other data to fundamental properties of physics in the deep ultraviolet. Examples include the possibility of using the constraints as a prior in statistical interpretations, designing phenomenological studies to test positivity at present and future colliders, and exploring theoretical connections between positivity and outstanding problems in BSM physics.

The workshop will last 5 days (from Monday afternoon until Friday morning) and be all plenary with sessions dedicated to different sub-topics, including one day dedicated to experimental-theory exchange. The programme will be kept relatively light, with plenty of discussion time.

Confirmed speakers

  • Stefano De Angelis
  • Joan Elias MirĂ³
  • Adam Falkowski
  • Jiayin Gu
  • Giulia Isabella
  • Ian Low
  • Xiaochuan Lu
  • Enrico Pajer
  • Alex Pomarol
  • Grant Remmen
  • Marc Riembau
  • Francesco Riva
  • Matteo Presilla
  • Yael Shadmi
  • Alexander Zhiboedov
  • Shuang-Yong Zhou