Bravo to all those who participated in the Bull**** Bingo and sent us their solution. Some people were wondering why their responses were not correct… Good point, so let’s walk through that Bingo
These paradigms “KISS ─ keep it simple, stupid” and “defence-in-depth” go hand in hand once we all jointly pick the right two of “cheap, convenient, secure”
Until recently, universities had been attacked only very occasionally. But the last year has also seen major attacks against accelerators and telescopes
Computer security comes with clear mantras: “Defence-in-depth”, where security controls are applied at every level of the hardware and software stack, and “Keep it simple, stupid”, to avoid unnecessary complexity
This summer, the IT department’s identity management team, the mail team and the Computer Security Team rolled out additional measures to protect your account and your mailbox
A warm welcome to the summer-student class of 2023! In order to make your digital life as comfortable as possible, here are a few things you need to know