Route Democrite now open (one-way only)
Route Democrite is now open to traffic, but as a one-way street in front of buildings 158 and 17 until 15 November 2020
CERN Restaurants: Jeûne genevois closures and new opening hours for cafeterias
Sign up for Bike to Work 2020!
The 2020 edition of Bike to Work starts in September
Register now for the ATTRACT 2020 online conference
The ATTRACT – Igniting the Deep Tech Revolution conference will take place online on 22-23 September 2020
Submit your project to the CERN Knowledge Transfer Fund and the Medical Applications Budget
Do you work for CERN and have a project with a potential positive impact on society? Apply for Knowledge Transfer funding opportunities before 24 August
Suspension of the CERN car-sharing service
CERN’s car-sharing service remains suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future
Share your experience about two-factor authentication
CERN’s identity management system – responsible for managing your computing accounts and granting you access to the thousands of online services available to CERN users – is evolving: we need your feedback by the end of July