OPERA detects its fifth tau neutrino
Researchers in Gran Sasso, Italy, have detected a tau neutrino in the muon-neutrino beam from CERN
The Mu2e experiment: a rare opportunity
A new experiment at Fermilab will look for the neutrinoless transformation of a muon into an electron
Working with quarkonium
The Quark Working Group highlights unsolved problems, discusses the latest data, and suggests new analyses in quarkonium physics
A complete demonstrator of a muon-cooled Higgs factory
At 4pm on 14 April in the CERN auditorium, Carlo Rubbia will review the case for a muon-cooled Higgs factory. Watch the webcast
CERN's strategy for neutrino physics
Sergio Bertolucci presents CERN's strategy for neutrino physics today at 11am. Watch the webcast
Seeing is believing
Lucio Rossi reflects on how particle accelerators extend our sense of sight
ICTP: theorists in the developing world
ICTP director Fernando Quevedo talks to Antonella Del Rosso about the contribution that theorists make to society and why it deserves support
ICTP: theorists in the developing world
ICTP director Fernando Quevedo talks to Antonella Del Rosso about the contribution that theorists make to society and why it deserves support
Quenching jets in hot dense matter from lead-ion collisions
The ATLAS measurement compared data of 2.76 TeV lead-ion collisions taken in 2011 with proton-proton data from a dedicated run of the LHC in 2013
How standard is the Higgs boson discovered in 2012?
Without a doubt, it is a Higgs boson, but is it the Higgs boson of the Standard Model? Run 2 of the LHC find out, says theorist John Ellis