

CERN and NASA join forces to commit to a research future that is open and accessible for all

A summit, entitled “Accelerating the Adoption of Open Science”, took place at CERN from 10 to 14 July, bringing together representatives from 70 scientific institutions to discuss how to develop and implement open science policies across the globe

Knowledge sharing
28 July, 2023
Knowledge sharing
28 July, 2023

92 companies from across CERN Member and Associate Member States took part in CERN’s thematic forum on civil engineering

CERN opened its doors to a variety of companies for the first CERN Civil Engineering Business Forum, ushering in CERN’s new industry-specific networking strategy

Knowledge sharing
18 July, 2023
Knowledge sharing
18 July, 2023

An evening dedicated to neutrinos in Prévessin-Moëns

On Saturday, 8 July 2023, the inhabitants of Prévessin-Moëns had the opportunity to visit a unique CERN facility, the Neutrino Platform.

Knowledge sharing
13 July, 2023
Knowledge sharing
13 July, 2023

Arts at CERN collaborates with Science Gallery Melbourne and the ARC Centre for the exhibition “Dark Matters”

Opening on 5 August, “Dark Matters” will bring artworks from Arts at CERN programmes to Australian audiences for the first time

Knowledge sharing
10 July, 2023
Knowledge sharing
10 July, 2023

You’ll never guess these six unlikely benefits of being a CERN Guide

It may surprise you, but being a CERN Guide can give you unexpected benefits, especially with Science Gateway about to open this autumn.

Knowledge sharing
30 June, 2023
Knowledge sharing
30 June, 2023

From physics to finance: how can CERN tools help to uncover market manipulation?

With its world-renowned expertise in the analysis of massive volumes of data, CERN has started a unique collaboration with leading market-surveillance experts to explore how particle physics could help to build future manipulation-detection techniques

Knowledge sharing
23 June, 2023
Knowledge sharing
23 June, 2023

Connecting the small and the large scales

By collaborating with projects for future gravitational-wave observatories, CERN helps to find echoes from the past

Knowledge sharing
19 June, 2023
Knowledge sharing
19 June, 2023

Discover how IdeaSquare will form part of the upcoming CERN Science Gateway offerings

The resources developed by IdeaSquare for the Crowd4SDG project will continue to drive innovation through future Science Gateway workshops and masterclasses

Knowledge sharing
05 June, 2023
Knowledge sharing
05 June, 2023

Collaboration with CERN – an asset for scientific communities in the Middle East

Across the Middle East and North Africa region, CERN has set up scientific collaborations to promote access to education and innovation

Knowledge sharing
24 May, 2023
Knowledge sharing
24 May, 2023

The 2023 Django Girls Geneva event was a resounding success!

Last weekend, 34 “Django Girls” discovered the world of computer programming and created their first website under the guidance of CERN mentors

Knowledge sharing
25 April, 2023
Knowledge sharing
25 April, 2023