Success and adaptation
Rolf Heuer expresses his thanks to all the people who made this first LHC run such a success
Defining priorities
Draft update to the Strategy for European Particle Physics
A lot to look forward to
The proton-lead run will be short, and our main activity this year will be the start of the LHC’s first long shutdown
Another vintage year
"This is the year that will go down in history as marking the first of the LHC’s major discoveries, a defining moment in the history of science"
A memorable week
A Special Fundamental Physics Prize, handing over the CERN Council Presidency and a pilot run with 25 nanosecond bunch spacing made it a busy week
Particle physics: a valuable driver of innovation in medicine
The 10th anniversary of ENLIGHT marks a good occasion a look back at the important contributions particle physics has made to medicine
Our top priority
It is important to plan ahead, particularly since the lead times for new projects in particle physics are long, and our field is increasingly global
Towards a wider dialogue
The recent Wilton Park meeting examined three very different world-views: science, philosophy and theology
Ready, set, logo!
CERN's new graphic charter gets an official launch
Updating Europe’s strategy for particle physics
Some 500 physicists went to Krakow to discuss their wishes for the future of the field as input to the CERN council's strategy group