CMS releases open data for Machine Learning
CMS has also provided open access to 100% of its research data recorded in proton–proton collisions in 2010
How the Israel Innovation Authority and CERN are infusing the Israeli innovation ecosystem with advanced technology
CERN technologies have proven to be beneficial in driving innovation in industries around the world. Four new contracts have been signed between CERN and Israeli companies
A summer of festivals for CERN
This summer CERN scientists will be showcasing particle physics at festivals across Europe
Sharing CERN’s expertise in big data with the biomedical community
ATTRACT funding is awarded to 170 breakthrough projects
The EU-funded programme announces the successful proposals in its call for projects. CERN scientists are involved in 19 of the projects selected
CERN's flagship travelling exhibition goes to India
‘Accelerating Science’ exhibition will visit Mumbai, Bengaluru and Kolkata
A day of ICT workshops for girls at the Globe
On 25 April 2019 CERN held workshops on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for about 100 girls aged 6 to 14 at the Globe of Science and innovation
950 pupils in scientists’ shoes
The project Be a Scientist encountered a great success again for its 2019 edition
Girls and tech at Geneva’s Equality Week
Promoting girls’ “Yes we can!” attitude towards computer science