Xenon in the SPS: First tests for a photon factory
Partially ionised xenon atoms have been accelerated in the SPS to test a new gamma-ray source concept
Netzwerk Teilchenwelt: German high-school students at CERN
Five high-school students from Germany conducted their own research at CERN as part of the Netzwerk Teilchenwelt programme
From the web to a start-up near you
Twenty years ago, in 1997, CERN set up a reinforced policy and team to support its knowledge- and technology-transfer activities
Accelerating News Issue 22 available
Issue 22 of Accelerating News is now available
Webcast: How does collaboration shape innovation?
Live from IdeaSquare, CERN's innovation centre, from 13:00 on October 25 2017
LHC report: xenon in action
The LHC had the unique opportunity of colliding xenon nuclei over several hours
Tackling humanitarian challenges at CERN
The fourth edition of THE Port Humanitarian Hackathon took place at CERN’s IdeaSquare
Computer Security: Enter the next level: Doxware
Now attackers have started increasing the pressure, and now comes the next level: “Doxware”
Meet the DUNEs
Meet the two prototypes under construction at CERN for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment
Collaboration agreement between CERN and NTNU
CERN and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) will work together in all domains of science, technology and engineering