Beams are back in the LHC
Protons have been circulating in the Large Hadron Collider since Friday 30 March, marking the start of the machine’s seventh year of operation
CERN experiment sees hints of a rare kaon decay
The NA62 experiment has observed a candidate event for an ultra-rare charged kaon decay
Particle detectors meet canvas
This year is the European year of cultural heritage, but what does particle physics have to do with art? More than you might think
CERN invites photographers to go behind the scenes
On 1 June 2018, 20 photographers will be given an exclusive opportunity to explore the world’s largest particle physics laboratory
LHC Report: CERN accelerators back in business
Despite the tight schedules, all machines were closed in time and first beams will be injected as scheduled
Young refugees perform rapid-prototyping at CERN
Participants enrolled in the “We Start” programme spent a day immersed in technology
Accelerating News issue 24 now available
The latest issue focuses on opportunities and research challenges for next-generation accelerators, and accelerator technology education
Arts at CERN announces the winners of the Collide awards
Artists from all over the world are invited to spend time at CERN and work alongside particle physicists and engineers
Computer security: CERN Secure Password Competition
We will reward the “best” and “most creative” passwords used at CERN
Higgs results take centre stage at annual Moriond conference
ATLAS and CMS present new measurements of the properties of the Higgs boson