AIDA - Academia meets Industry
AIDA, an FP7 project addressing infrastuctures for detector R&D, is organizing an industry-academia matching event
Select live sessions of Disrupt! and Dream! from TED 2013
TED 2013 taking place in California will be screened at CERN’s main auditorium on Wednesday, 27 February, at 5.30pm and 8pm
Emergency stop tests for PS and BOOSTER area
The emergency stop tests for PS and BOOSTER area are planned on Saturday, March 2nd from 6am to 10pm and Sunday, March 3rd, from 6am to 5pm
Frequent power interruptions planned on 23 February
Due to maintenance there will be frequent power interruptions in the Meyrin West area; please switch off electrical equipment
Sixth "Inverted CERN School of Computing": 25-26 February
Attendance is free for iCSC2013 - “Where students turn into teachers”. Topics include GPUs, Computer vision, SW Testing, Grid interpretation
Gate E will be open until the end of traffic jams
Gate E will be open until the end of traffic jams
4-11 February: work on main building flooring
There will be some disruption during repairs to the flooring in front of the kiosk
Celebrating 50 years of the CERN Ski Club
Nicolas Coulmy of the French Ski Federation will give a talk entitled « Approche scientifique du ski : de la perception à l’action… » on 23 January
Disruption due to snow: gate E to remain open longer today
Gate E will remain open longer this morning until traffic jams have eased