Warmer amps for the LHC
CERN is working together with an Italian company to develop superconducting cables that can function at temperatures of up to 25 K (-248°C)
Magnets for the High Luminosity LHC: Small but powerful
A CERN-Fermilab team has developed a new magnet that will be a valuable asset to the HL-LHC, the next step of for LHC machine
Strength in diversity
The laboratory is launching a new diversity programme aimed at strengthening our tradition of inclusiveness. I encourage all at CERN to take part
Bringing physics training to Africa
The African School of Physics was held in Ghana this summer, where lecturers from CERN shared their expertise with 50 motivated students
CERN experiments to present latest on quark-gluon plasma
Heavy-ion experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will present their latest results at the Quark Matter 2012 conference
Cosmic rays discovered 100 years ago
Today marks 100 years since Victor Hess made last of series of balloon flights leading to the discovery of cosmic rays
Celebrating a very scientific Endeavour
Last week, we had the pleasure of welcoming the crew of the space shuttle Endeavour, who delivered the AMS detector to the ISS in 2011
Over one million followers reached in CERN TweetUp
Five tweeps visited CERN to take part in events held with STS-134 astronauts to commemorate the AMS detector's first year in space
LHC update: 3 August 2012
Good performance followed recovery from extended luminosity calibration runs
Timepix detectors track cosmic radiation on the ISS
On 31 July, an unmanned Russian Progress spacecraft was launched from Kazakhstan, carrying five Timepix detectors to the ISS