How particle physics could prevent financial fraud
A new collaboration agreement sees CERN data analytics used to help protect commodity and financial markets from fraud
Taxation in Switzerland
Memorandum concerning the 2019 annual certificates and the 2019 income tax declaration forms issued by the Swiss cantonal tax authorities
ALPHA reports first measurements of certain quantum effects in antimatter
The measurements are consistent with predictions for “normal” matter and pave the way for future precision studies
MoEDAL hunts for dyons
The MoEDAL collaboration at CERN reports the first search at a particle accelerator for particles with both electric and magnetic charge
World’s first proton treatment of a cardiac pathology
A cancer therapy synchrotron that CERN helped to establish has treated a patient with ventricular arrhythmia for the first time
ATLAS releases 13-TeV open data for science education
The collaboration has made public the data of 1 quadrillion proton-proton collisions from the LHC’s last run
Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (Brexit)
Computer Security: Malicious Robots
“Stop – Think – Don’t Click” is one of the standard pieces of advice when you are asked to click on links to unsolicited, unknown or dubious webpages