CERN Webfest goes online… and global!
The weekend-long hackathon saw participants develop prototype applications under the theme ‘working together apart: accelerating collaboration’
Computer Security: CERN has been phished again
At the end of June, CERN saw yet another phishing campaign against its staff and users
COVID-19: compulsory quarantine for travellers arriving in Switzerland
Suspension of the CERN car-sharing service
CERN’s car-sharing service remains suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future
The first accelerators are back in action
It’s the end of Long Shutdown 2 for the PS Booster, the first accelerator to be recommissioned, alongside Linac 4
CMS celebrates its 2019 Thesis Award winner
Marcel Rieger, from RWTH Aachen University, stood out among the 25 nominees
Share your experience about two-factor authentication
CERN’s identity management system – responsible for managing your computing accounts and granting you access to the thousands of online services available to CERN users – is evolving: we need your feedback by the end of July
A “Be a scientist” programme unlike any other!
Around 100 pupils taking part in the project ended the year by attending videoconference sessions