LS2 Report: LHCb looks to the future with SciFi detector
A new tracker made of scintillating fibres will be installed in the LHCb experiment during the ongoing shutdown of the Large Hadron Collider
LHCf gears up to probe birth of cosmic-ray showers
The smallest LHC experiment is set to probe the first interaction that triggers a cosmic-ray shower in the atmosphere
Beamline for Schools 2019 participants present results
The winning teams from this year’s competition have successfully finished their data-collection runs
CERN Council appoints Fabiola Gianotti for second term of office as CERN Director General
At its 195th Session today, the CERN Council selected Fabiola Gianotti, as the Organization’s next Director-General, for her second term of office
ALICE: the journey of a cosmopolitan detector
Detector pieces have travelled across the globe to build ALICE’s new inner detector at CERN
LS2 Report: Linac4 knocking at the door of the PS Booster
During a two-month test run that started at the end of September, Linac4 will send negative hydrogen ions up to the door of the PS Booster
CMS measures Higgs boson’s mass with unprecedented precision
The CMS collaboration reported the Higgs boson’s mass with a precision of about 0.1%
Broadening tunnel vision for future accelerators
CERN’s civil engineers are tackling the tunnelling challenges of a post-LHC collider
Halfway towards LHC consolidation
One hundred and fifty people are hard at work upgrading the Large Hadron Collider’s superconducting magnets
Medipix: Two decades of turning technology into applications
The story of how detector components ended up in medical imaging, in art restoration and even in space