Moriond 2012: Conclusions from QCD week
On the final day of Quantum Chromodynamics week at Moriond, speakers emphasized the possibility of new physics with the LHC at 4TeV
Moriond 2012: Straight to the top
A variety of new measurements presented at Moriond are helping physicists to close in on the mass of the top quark
LHC report: Beam on
With powering tests finished, the LHC is being recommisioned to take beams in the first week of April
Moriond 2012: "Dark matter" signal was no cosmic muon
Theorists refute claim against DAMA/LIBRA
Physics and medicine: a winning alliance
The medical and physics communities came together at ICTR-PHE 2012 to trade techniques and technologies for the fight against cancer
Moriond 2012: Uncertain signals from the Higgs boson
Some of the most recent analyses of the Higgs searches were presented yesterday at the Moriond QCD conference
LHC Report: Preparing for 4 TeV
The cool-down and circuit testing in all LHC sectors restarted 3 weeks ago, and is going well
ALICE installs new hardware in preparation for 2012
Newly installed supermodules will give the ALICE detectors more coverage of collision events
Accelerator seminar: The neutrino factory
A seminar on a proposed design for a neutrino beam facility will take place on 19 January 2012 in the IT Auditorium